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Cooking fish to conserve food value : an interview between Miss Ruth Van Deman and Mrs. Fanny W. Yeatman, Bureau of Home Economics, delivered in the …
Water power projects, telephone, telegraph, power transmission lines on the national forests. Regulations of the secretary of agriculture and instruc…
The American farm book : or, Compend of American agriculture ; being a practical treatise on soils, manures, draining irrigation, grasses, grain, roo…
Message from the President of the United States transmitting a report of the Secretary of agriculture in relation to the forests, rivers, and mountai…
Addresses commemorative of George Hammell Cook, PH.D., LL.D., professor of geology and agriculture in Rutgers College, delivered before the trustees,…
[The economics of canning fresh fruit and vegetables] : a radio talk by Mrs. Rowena Schmidt Carpenter, Bureau of Home Economics, delivered through WR…
[Oven canning of fruit and vegetables] : a radio interview between Mrs. Rowena Schmidt Carpenter and Miss Mabel Stienbarger, Bureau of Home Economic…
Canning days are here again : a radio conversation between Miss. Ruth Van Deman, Bureau of Home Economics, and Mr. Wallace Kadderly, Office of Inform…
June jellies : a radio conversation between Miss. Ruth Van Deman, Bureau of Home Economics, and Mr. Wallace L. Kadderly, Office of Information, broad…
Jelly questionnaire : a radio interview between Miss Ruth Van Deman, Bureau of Home Economics, and Mr. John Baker, Office of Information, broadcast T…