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Some new fruits : originated by N.E. Hansen in the fruit-breeding laboratory of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and some new alfalfas
The Pediculi and Mallophaga affecting man and the lower animals
The lure of the land. (4th ed.) The history of a market-garden and dairy plot developed within eight months upon Long Island's idle territory, long d…
Raising guinea pigs
The nature and fate of chemicals applied to soils, plants, and animals : a symposium held April 27, 28, and 29, 1960, at the Plant Industry Station a…
Transporting livestock overseas by air
Investigations into the nature, causation, and prevention of Texas or southern cattle fever
Managing pine trees and bahiagrass for timber and cattle production
An annotated check list of the parasites of animals in Puerto Rico
Labeling fly sprays for animals