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Some problems encountered in the sampling of processed fruit and vegetable products : a paper
Check list of U.S. standards issued by the Fruit and Vegetable Division (other than for processed products)
United States standards for grades of processed fruits, vegetables, and certain other products (canned, dried, frozen, sugar products and miscellaneo…
Oil base for insecticide sprays in tobacco warehouses
Transportation of apples in the Appalachian belt, 1952-53
United States Plant Variety Protection Act of December 24, 1970, (84 Stat. 1542) (7 U.S.C. 2321 et seq.) : regulations and rules of practice, effecti…
Export fruit acts
Carlot Unloads of Certain Fruits and Vegetables in 100 U.S. and 5 Canadian Cities, also truck unloads in 32 U.S. cities and 5 Canadian cities, etc. 1…
Regulations governing inspection and certification of processed fruits and vegetables and related products
Fresh fruit and vegetable grading : a national service